design process
Step by Step
My graphic design process is meticulously structured around four pivotal phases, which I’ve termed IDDB: Insight, Define, Design, and Produce. This method ensures a comprehensive and effective approach that harmonizes creativity and pragmatism. This holistic approach, ranging from in-depth research to client collaboration, iteration, and meticulous execution, ensures a seamless and effective journey from concept to final delivery.
Research: I delve deep into the project’s core by conducting extensive research on the topic. This groundwork helps me understand the subject thoroughly and informs subsequent decisions.
Planning: Meticulously planning the project from inception to fruition, ensures a clear trajectory for the entire process.
Bringing ideas to life.
Ideas: Letting my creativity loose enables a full scope of ideas to influence my decisions.
Moodboard: I craft a moodboard, which serves as a visual guide that encapsulates the project’s atmosphere and essence.
Styleboard: Additionally, I create a style board that outlines the aesthetic direction to maintain a consistent and compelling visual language.
Defining the project and target audience as a whole.
Persona: I craft detailed user personas, allowing me to empathize with the audience and tailor the design to their preferences.
Client: Effective communication with the client is crucial at this juncture, where I discuss project status and gather their input for further refinement.
Bringing the concept to life.
Sketches: Sketches are then generated, acting as the foundational blueprints for the project’s visual elements and layout.
Wireframes: For projects regarding UX/UI Design, wireframes can be an invaluable tool to visualise the visual elements and layout of apps and websites for example.
The road to good results.
User tests: User tests are conducted to validate design choices and functionality.
Feedback: Feedback meticulously reviewed and incorporated ensures optimal user experience.
Making it functionally and visually effective.
Development: I meticulously develop the design based on the insights gained, ensuring a harmonious blend of creativity and practicality.
Adjustment: The design is subjected to adjustments and modifications to align with both client expectations and the outcomes of user tests.
Validating and establishing the design.
User tests: I perform additional user tests to gauge the design’s functionality and effectiveness.
Feedback: The feedback received is thoughtfully integrated into the design, ensuring it meets the highest standards and resonates with the intended audience.
Finalising and preparing for hand-off.
Refine: By meticulously scrutinising every detail, I can guarantee a flawless final product.
Deliver: With the design perfected, I deliver the comprehensive product to the client, providing them with guidance on how to optimally apply and utilize it.